The Necessity of Exposure

The Necessity of Exposure

My daughter and I were recently talking about how to figure out what you want. She’s at an age where the whole world is wide open to her, and there are so many options. We asked each other: How do you figure out what you want to do? One thing we know for sure: You...
Start Before You're Ready (Plus 6 Times I Did)

Start Before You're Ready (Plus 6 Times I Did)

“I’m not ready.” I think these three little words kill more dreams than any other self-talk. And trust me, in my coaching career, I’ve heard a lot of reasons why women don’t pursue their dreams. Your brain will always come up with excuses to not to do something,...
Imperfection Is Sexy

Imperfection Is Sexy

I’m a recovering perfectionist, and I bet many of you are, too. For so many years, I tried to look, be, and feel perfect – and I was a stressed-out mess. The funny thing is, we’re attracted to imperfection as humans. We root for the underdog, the character who’s...