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I’m in Aspen celebrating Thanksgiving with family and friends. The snow is falling, the turkey’s in the oven, the kids are sitting in the hot tub, the adults are sipping hot toddy and Billie Holiday playing in the background. As I sit here, I am crazy grateful for this beautiful mess I call my life and everything and everyone in it.
Gratitude and appreciation is my lifestyle. I thank the kind man at the checkout. I write love notes to God for my morning coffee and sunrises. I thank the dog for just being a dog. I even thank the dude who cuts me off in traffic (after I flip him off…elegant, I know!).
But, do you know who I often forget to thank?
Here’s what I’ve learned from being a woman in our society. We are hard on ourselves. We overlook our innate worth. We don’t give ourselves credit. We contribute our success to our spouse, parents, luck or anything outside of us. We’re convinced that we should be further ahead/smarter/thinner/prettier/nicer/harder/insert anything that you’re not here.
We can easily see the beauty and greatness in others, but ourselves? Oh no. That would be arrogant, prideful and way too confident. At least, that’s what we’ve been taught.
Well, I’m throwing out the BS card. It’s actually none of those things.
THE most important job of your lifetime is to become your own best friend. (tweet it)
As Diane von Furstenberg says, when you do, “life is easier.”
So, today, in addition to being deeply grateful for everything in your life, I want you to celebrate yourself and be grateful for you.
If this makes you a bit uncomfortable, let me help you get started.
You made it through another year! Bravo.
You love your kids. Incredible (considering how they can act sometimes)!
You cooked a turkey (or bought one). Thatta girl!
What? Did you clean your house? Rock on!
You’re pretty awesome!
Now, it’s your turn. No exception. Take 10 minutes to celebrate yourself today!
Here are some prompts to get you started:
- I’m deeply grateful for (insert 3 qualities that you possess).
- I’m proud of myself for (your biggest accomplishment this year)
- I forgive myself for (something you regret).
- I appreciate my ability to (insert your superpower here).
- I love my (insert your best physical attribute)
- I’m high-fiving myself for making it through (insert your biggest challenge).
- Next year, this time, I will be thanking myself for (insert a deep desire).
Imagine a world where you are truly grateful for yourself, not just when you get it right, but also when you royally screw up.
That’s what living with confidence, boldness, courage and beauty actually looks like.
Now, go eat some turkey and pecan pie. Dance. Watch some football. Laugh.
And, for the love of God, if you overindulge today, please don’t beat yourself up.
Lighten up, darling. You’re an amazing human being.
In Deep Gratitude,
(P.S. I fully intend to win our Cards Against Humanity Play-off tonight. If you want to shake up your brain cells and break a lot of societal rules, get this game!).
(P.P.S. I am deeply grateful for you!)
3 Days of Extraordinary
Extraordinary Women Do Extraordinary Things ...
Tonya - a fantastic post! Enjoy the day.
Thank you Bev!
Happy Thanksgiving Tonya, I am thankful for all you do to help women feel better about themselves and enjoy their life. I love your posts and although I teach a class on Wednesday evenings so I can't participate live in your Soirees, I enjoy watching the replays. I love your writing, your humour, your passion and especially that you want to share that with others. You are an inspiration to so many. Sending thanks for all you do for others.
Thank you Elaine! So glad that you are a part of the French Kiss Life community. Happy Holidays!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Tonya! I just checked out Cards Against Humanity...awesome!!! Have fun!
Cards Against Humanity is THE BEST! Not recommended for the easily offended or kids under 16.
Happy Thanksgiving Tonya, what a wonderful crazy delicious life you lead and such a beautiful spirit. Reading your message today has given me the best start to my day I can imagine. Thankyou,..
Hi Amelie! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. xoxo
Happy Thanksgiving Tonya. Loved your post today and as we roll through the holidays I'll be keeping in mind your FKL holiday workbook. Thank you for all that you do <3
I love the "roll through the holidays." Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Merci, my sister! Happy Holidays!!! I am so grateful for the beautiful work you do. It resonates with me deeply! I am ready to French Kiss myself and the holiday season!!
Regina, thank you so much! Thanks so much for being a part of this amazing community!
Thanks for this post. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are looking forward to a wonderful holiday season. I know I am. I also look forward to continue to see the new me. You will never know how much your words have helped me. I print all your posts and read them often. (My husband thanks you too. He said he didn't know what changed me but whatever it was, keep it up! Love it!)
We've played Cards Against Humanity. I've never seen my son laugh so much! It was great to see.
Tonya, thanks for such a great post. I'm just getting around to reading it - and soooo looking forward to the holidays (and being good to myself, too!). Now, I've got to find out what "Cards AGainst Humanity is all about, sounds like a good bit of fun for the crowd at our house!