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For all you ladies who are a slave to your to-do lists, my hope is that what you’re about to read will inspire you to create a new kind of list – one that goes much deeper than superficial doings, one that will help you gain clarity and one that will ensure that your actions are aligned with your soul. Let me share a story. One night, while working in an intensive care unit, a resident physician turned to me and asked, “Who do you want to be?”
Huh? I’d always been asked what I wanted to do or have, but be? This was a new one.
Not quite sure how to respond, I said, “A good nurse and mom.”
“No, those are roles you play, but who do you want to BE in those roles,” he clarified.
I was at a loss for words. I just sat there with a blank stare on my face.
Who do I want to BE?
That was the most brilliant and odd question I’d ever heard.
Like many women, I had spend most of my life being who I was told I should be and doing what I thought was expected.
Yet, that one question sparked a curiosity about the woman I wanted to be and it completely changed the trajectory of my life.
The most important decision you’ll ever make is deciding the woman you want to BE! (tweet it)
When you know who you want to BE, you have a beacon to constantly guide how you behave, the choices you make and how you show up in the world. Even in the hardest of times, you can call upon her wisdom and she’ll know what to do. This is why I created a new kind of list: a to-be list. I wanted to be joyful, so I began to shift my perspective around my job. I wanted to be worldly, so I signed up for sommelier school and started learning French. I wanted to be full of vitality, so I started treating my body very differently. I wanted to be self-expressed, so I began writing. I wanted to be stylish, so I immersed myself in the world of fashion and style. I wanted to be kind and compassionate, so I began letting go of judgements. I wanted to be inspirational, so I started sharing my story with others. I wanted to be culturally smart, so I went back to school and devoured literature. I wanted to be abundant, so I started honoring all that life had to offer me. With each of these decisions being rooted in deep desire , I found myself blossoming in ways I never expected. I literally created, from scratch, the woman I wanted to be from the inside out. Soon, things began to shift in my external world. I was handed the wine list at the table. I was asked to write restaurant and wine reviews for a magazine. Women asked me to mentor them. I ended a battle with my weight and body. I was asked to join a luxury network in Monaco. People asked me for style advice. One miracle after another. For a period of time, I felt caught between two worlds: shedding of the old and the birthing of the new. It was uncomfortable. I felt like a fraud. I was full of self-doubt. I humiliated myself on many occasions, such as when I declared to the sommelier class that I loved rose wine (pronouncing it like the flower). Friends started to drift out of my life. Family and friends began to question my sanity and ask me, “Who do you think you are?” I began to wonder if I really had a choice. Were my humble beginnings as far as I could go? It would have been easy to run back to the familiar and given into who I thought I supposed to be. But, I didn’t. I fought fiercely for the woman I am today. And, if you want to evolve into the woman you desire to be, you must do the same. You must be more devoted to her than you are to your to-do lists, the naysayers and the negative beliefs that will surely enter your mind. And, when you do, everything will change! This theory hasn’t just worked for me, I’ve proven it with clients. On the first day of the Slim, Chic & Savvy program, I lead women through a detailed exercise to help them gain clarity around who they desire to be, and then watch the incredible shifts they make during the program, such as weight loss, improved relationships, authentic style, risk-taking & joie de vivre, just to name a few. But, the best part is witnessing them create the woman they desire to be. Living intentionally requires that you first decide who you want to BE, then let your to-do lists support you in becoming more of her. Want to be playful? Host a game night or sign up for the dance class. Want to be confident? Take more risks. Want to be vulnerable? Share your shame with someone that loves you. Want to be adventurous? Plan that trip. Want to be sexy? Buy that lingerie. Want to be successful? Act as if you already are. Want to be more beautiful? Stop being so mean to yourself and infuse your mind with beautiful thoughts.So, let’s create a new kind of list: a to-be list.
Tell me in the comments below who you want to BE and what’s one decision you’re going to make this week to become more of her.
This is how you make your life art!
Tons of Love,
The Self-Image Manifesto
You’re Invited To Live An Extraordinary Life!
This is exactly what I needed this morning! Thank you!
I want to BE a confident woman. I know that it will require taking risks but if that is what it takes, then that is what I want to do. I was reading one of your other blog postings this morning and had an epiphany. For so long, I have remained in my cocoon where it is "safe" and I don't have to worry about doing something wrong or offending someone, etc. But this morning I decided that I no longer want to stay in my cocoon but instead I want to BE the beautiful butterfly. I want to spread my wings and start living. Again, thank you.
Hi Alethea!
Safety is the destroyer of many dreams! So glad the butterfly is emerging from the cocoon!
Keep me posted!
This is what resonated with me most: "For a period of time, I felt caught between two worlds: shedding of the old and the birthing of the new."
I have created Her for many, many years now, and no judgment could stop me or make me doubt myself. I was crafting Her, proudly. Interestingly enough, I too think of the woman I want to be when I grow up as 'Her'. It makes it easier on the ego, I don't feel as guilty as if I was 'too self involved' or 'selfish'. I know I have to take care of myself first in order to properly take care of everyone else in my life.
However, there is one judgement that may come harder to fight with. The one coming from your family. I experienced that a couple of years ago and, yes, it threw me off center. Big time, as it accessed deep, deep wiring I didn't think I still had.
That is a good thing. Because now I am so much stronger. Still not at the top of my game, but I can feel it coming. Top of the game, to be clear, is the state when you can bring yourself to self awareness consistently. When the subconscious runs us, we are not self aware: IT runs us.
So, yes, the other thing that rigs true to me (so true, it hurts) is "This is how you make your life art!". Making my life art is a mission I received from somewhere, sometime before I was born. Making my life art and inspiring people around me is something so true I can't even find words to explain. But I will. I'm writing them in a little book coming out next year.
Here is my moment of vulnerability - I know that this place is full of life 🙂
...oh, I meant to say "this place is full of love". 🙂
It's full of life and love here Llyane!
Thank you for sharing. And, yes, family can trigger us more than any other humans.
I also love how you described being at the top of your game. It's always about awareness!
Love you lady!
Oh my gosh!! I LOVE this Tonya. I had just stared hearing this "who do you wanna BE" just this past year. Read it rhonda bryne's book, the power and a few weeks back marie Forleo talked about this same message...but I love your message the most because you really connected me to how I need to start making my life more around who I wanna BE!! I still struggle with this a lot because I'm a stay at home mom to my 2 yo and 5 yo...but when time opens up I'm really trying to base decisions made in my life around this topic. You've helped me SO much with your SCS course. And I thank you for that!! Pretty much every single thing you wrote today is exactly how I wanna BE!! I'm getting there...slowly! Thank you for this!!
Hello Lady! Love "seeing" you here.
Remember, 'baby steps' leads to big changes over time!
Cheering you on.
As the cliche says, we are often more human doings than human beings. I would like to 'be' more, enjoy more, enjoy being myself and taking the time to enjoy life instead of rushing from one project to another. I find it takes me a lot of courage to say no to more work and yes to enjoying life.
It's the most courageous thing we can do in this fast-paced and chaotic world. Sending you lots of love!
Tonya- this is fantastic! Thank you for the reminder.
I have been doing meditations to connect with that future self, the woman I want to be. What she does and a lot of details are fuzzy, but I have a deep, clear sense of her essence. Bringing that into me now has been amazing: feeling empowered, taking action, focusing on building what I want.
This time of year, it's great for me to think about how I want my holidays to feel instead of being caught up in the craziness that can happen.
Hi Kara,
If you know her essence, you have a beautiful starting point. Just ask yourself how you can embody it more and more each day.
Sending you love...
Dear Tonya,
Ever since I have found your blog I have been captivated. I've been looking and reading about elegance, class, sophistication, and simplicity for a few years now but this is one of my favorite. You teach that it is okay truly love myself and through women like you I have been able to grow so much more confident in myself, who I am, what I look like, and the wonderful uncertainty of life. Which is quite a feat for someone who is not even of legal drinking age yet.
Questions such as this one should be asked all the time at every age. Looking at my answers helps me to know if I am on the right road to making myself happy and truly doing what I want.
I want to be independent - so I am working on budgeting and cutting back on spending; learning about things that I can live without.
I want to dress elegantly - so I am cleaning out my wardrobe, taking a second look at what I am buying, and thinking "would Hepburn wear something like this?"
I want to travel the world - so I am planning on moving over seas after I finish my degree
I want to experience wonderful things - so when my friend suggests afternoon tea at the Drake Hotel or a masquerade ball I say yes
I want to grow up - so I look in the mirror and begin to see what I like about myself rather than every little fault, I tone down my gossip and read more world news, and think my actions through
That is only a small part of my list but none of this would have even crossed my mind if I hadn't come across your blog. Thank you so much for helping women realize that they are worth everything and deserve to feel and express love and life. I know now that someday I will look back and be able to say, "well done darling, well done."
Keep writing, loving, and living wonderfully!
Wow Anna! I am so impressed with all your wisdom at such a young age. We need more women like you to model for our younger women.
OMG! I just experienced the biggest "AHA Moment" when I read your post!!! I felt like I had hit a wall....something was blocking my progress and this blog just opened the floodgate. All the pieces are within me and now with my "to-be list" my choices are in line with my soul!
Thank you, thank you Tonya for this powerful perspective.
Loved reading this. I'd love to hear what your a-ha moment was.
So excited for you!
Wow, Tonya! I am so grateful I found you and thankful for this particular blog post. I am in that in between space of old and new right now. It's soooo uncomfortable. I feel like a foreigner in a strange land but want to keep exploring! I know that it's a matter of time before I feel comfortable with the new me and, yes, it often feels fraudulent. Deep down though I *know* this is really who I've always been yet was afraid to "be". I'm only sorry it's taken me so long to step out in complete faith and trust on this journey. <3
So I slightly rephrased this into the woman that I am - just because even if I'm working towards the goal I'm going to own it now, xo.
The woman that I am is not enslaved by others opinions.
The woman that I am enjoys weekly trips to the spa.
The woman that I am loves to travel the world and meet people from other cultures.
The woman that I am has an entire closet devoted to lingerie and another closet devoted to stilettos.
The woman that I am lights up from showing others the power that they have within themselves.
And the woman that I thinks that confidence is the sexiest trait that a woman can have.
xoxo, thanks for such a beautiful post Tonya!
So Very True!
I love your writing Tonya.
Hi Tonya,
When I am starting to feel self-doubt and overwhelmed, I always come to your website and as always you do the trick. You are like a fairy godmother. I'm in my early 20s and currently in the middle of trying to figure things out and at the same time try not to overwhelm myself with all the expectations I have and people have. It can be very difficult sometimes. But reading your blogs reminds me of what I really want to become even if I cannot yet describe it in words. Thank you so much!
Tonya, I love your website and everything it represents. Your to-be list is shockingly similar to mine.
Sonique, like attracts like :)!
I have definitely been guilty of forming extremely over the top "to do lists" instead of a "to be list" and then promptly beating myself up for not accomplishing it. I hope that by creating a to be list, it can help me focus on making my life more enjoyable instead of thinking "if you don't do this, you're stupid, or this or that or insert something negative here." I have been using "to do lists" to defeat myself. Time to try something else.
I want to be someone who is kind to myself and others.
I want to be someone who is calm under pressure.
I want to be someone who is confident in myself.
I want to be someone who is brave.
I want to be someone who is emotionally and physically strong.
I want to be someone interesting and unique.
I want to be someone intelligent
I want to be someone who finds beauty and happiness in all things.
I appreciate you taking time to write about feelings and experiences that I have felt and helping me to realize that I'm not alone, there's a way to be better. Thanks.